Friday, October 10, 2014


I'm a data person. I like research and analysis and base much of my decision making on what picture the data paints. Soil and water analysis are great decision making tools when building a fertility plan. Fortunately, there is about 10 years of data for me to analyze and pull from. Unfortunately, the data shows that we have very challenging soils and water. We have heavy soils that are high in salts, magnesium and most especially soluble sulfur. In some locations the sulfur level is four times that required for healthy turfgrass. Infiltration rates are 1/3 of what is considered minimal.

Now add in the fact that we have a large percentage of poa annua on our fairways and you have a recipe for disaster. Poa is a fickle, shallow rooted plant, with very little tolerance to stress. Perhaps this year more than others, the poa has really struggled. Our goal moving forward is to convert all the fairways to Bermudagrass, which can tolerate our challenging growing conditions. Looking at the Bermuda that is out there right now gives me a lot of confidence in our future..........

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