Monday, November 23, 2015

Irrigation Problems

With deteriorating water quality we are seeing an increase in irrigation related problems. Many of our isolation valves are failing, requiring us to shut down our mainlines to fix leaking or broken heads. In turn, the pressure fluctuation in the mainline is creating another break. This weekend alone we had one head and 2 mainline breaks. I sure hope this is the last of our irrigation problems for awhile......

6" mainline on #10

Monday, November 2, 2015

Overseed Germination

Rough overseeding was completed a week ago and we are already seeing quite a bit of germination around the course. At this point it is relatively spotty and inconsistent, largely due to our lack of thorough irrigation coverage. Once we get a little help from a rain event or two you will see much more consistent germination. Until then, we will continue to do the majority of our irrigation at night, with supplemental spot watering during the day to nurse the new seedlings along.